In the lead up to Christmas my family does Christmas games, and this one was a painting competition. painting is hard… comunicating his design and smaller details on a nutcracker with a limited color selection was quite difficult. resorting to painting a character i liked for this perhaps shows my creative bankruptcy…
Suprisingly my mother set up a Valentines day painting event this year. With limited paint colors included with the cupcake paint set i decided to do Ononoki Yotsugi (斧乃木 余接) from the Monogatari Series〈物語〉シリーズ. The orange included in the set was way too pale, so i had to use the paints we used for the nutcrackers. The hearts ontop didn't come out very well. Not sure what i've would've done differently here. With a tip from someone else at the painting event, I also did a bit of paint mixing to get the color change on the base. Mimicing Ononoki's skirt. If I had more time to think i would've changed the size of each part of this so it looked better. Definitely didn't want the middle orange to be the biggest. I really like her design. (now that i think about i wonder why i didn't add Ononoki to my fav char list on here. hmmm Guess i'll add her now